Ingredients :
Dye , water , oil , large bottle , cotton balls , sand , gravel and styrofoam .
Equipment :
Scissors and measuring cup .
Steps :
Step 1 . Cut your 2 liter bottle in half and then place the top half of your bottle into the bottom half .
Step 2 :Place 10-12 cotton balls into the top half of your bottle (make them compacted )
Step 3 : Place your sand on top of your cotton balls and fill the bottle about ⅓.
Step 4 : place your gravel in the top half of your bottle filling the last ⅓.
Step 5 : Pour dye and oil into some water to make your polluted water .
Hypothesis :
I think that the polluted water will take multiple times to filter the water propoly
Results :
The water was partly filtered. The cotton filtered the oil. The dye went faint .